Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

From Data Import to Poster Export: Data Analysis with ISLE

Burckhardt, P., Kovacs, F. R., & R. Nugent

Data analysis is often seen as both an art and a science, and which takes considerable practice to master. Instructors of introductory statistics sometimes struggle to teach basic tenets of data analysis due to cognitive overload of students, who are forced to learn and utilize multiple software tools. To address this challenge, we have built a data analysis tool as part of our Integrated Statistical Learning Environment (ISLE), which allows students to conduct the entire data analysis workflow, from the import of data to the writing of a data analysis report or academic poster, on our platform. As part of the general education curricula revamp at Dietrich College, we are using ISLE in weekly computer labs for “Reasoning with Data” (36-200), a first course in statistics and data science. Participants can analyze and interact with data by creating plots, calculating summary statistics, and generate their own poster or report.

Philipp Burckhardt, Statistics & Data Science DC

Francis R. Kovacs, Statistics & Data Science DC

Rebecca Nugent, Statistics & Data Science DC